I am trying my very hardest to keep up with the blogging, but I am already getting behind. There has been so much packed into the last two weeks, I could write for days and it wouldn't even cover half of it. Once I start my internship at Save Our Seas (this coming Monday, October 4th), things will probably slow down a little bit. I am so, so, SO grateful to have gotten to know Steve and to experience what he has shown me over the past few weeks. I feel like I have gotten the V.I.P. treatment and a total insider's look at Cape Town and its surroundings.. Steve has brought me to so many places that I otherwise never would have been able to venture to, and I am so lucky for that!
The last week or so has been filled with more diving, exploring the coastline, and doing projects for Steve's website, Animal Ocean (check it out, and then come to Cape Town and do some diving/exploring with him- he is awesome!). Tuesday this week was awesome.. we hiked up a trail called Silvermine and to Elephant's Eye Cave, which overlooks tons of vineyards and all of beautiful False Bay, where Seal Island is located. Steve's cousin Alison came along, and it was so much fun to hear more about life here and what it's like to be a 20-something in this part of the world. We took some incredible pictures and found a Table Mountain cockroach (yum!), various beetles (more Steve's thing than mine...), and some really cool lizards.
Elephant's Eye Cave provided amazing views of False Bay and we were able to take some great shots from within it, where the cave outline formed a kind of frame around False Bay:
Yesterday was an absolute BLAST- I took the train to Plumstead, the stop where he usually picks me up, around 9 am, and we started the day off having no plan whatsoever beyond a potential free dive at a site near Cape Point. After deciding to take a little road trip out to Cape Point and stopping to see wildlife along the way, we packed up dive gear and headed out. Little did I know we would end up seeing penguins at Boulders Beach, baboons along the side of the road, ostriches and their chicks feeding on the beach, and five or six different cow sharks during our dive. It was absolutely stunning- both the views of the coastline from the road and each animal that we saw. Here are a few of my favorite photos from the day:
Nesting penguin at Boulder Beach (literally right next to the parking lot)
One of many baboons just hanging out on the side of the road
Coastline on the way out to Cape Point
Ostriches and their chicks on the beach
There are quite a few more that I love, but since it takes so many MB and so much time to upload on here I have just picked out my favorites :) Here is one that is not so scenic, but I like it because this is basically what I have been wearing for the past two weeks and this was just before I saw my first Sevengill Cow sharks!
Hope everyone likes these! Today consisted of office stuff for Steve, including finishing up a presentation for him to use for clients on the boat before seal diving and cow shark diving. We printed those off, I printed and laminated a few pictures to put up on my (very bare) bedroom walls, and then I came home to do laundry, clean, and cook some dinner with the roomies. The next few days will most likely consist of exploring more of Cape Town with roommates, doing a few hikes, and a possible seal dive in Hout Bay again, this time bringing along other VAC interns for Steve to meet and entertain :)
Start my internship Monday- eeek! Wish me luck with all the shark experts :)
I'll leave you with this little treat, thanks to Evert, one of Steve's friends who loves to do wildlife photography and joined us last week for a dive with the seals:

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